Its noumenal scope should only include conflicts rules, i.e. rules of application of law or rules of choice of law. 其本体范围应当只包括冲突规范,即法律适用规范或法律选择规范。
The inter-personal conflict of laws is often solved by the written rules of the choice of law which regulates the courts applying the customary law and the recognition and application of customary law. 津巴布韦的人际法律冲突问题通常是通过规定适用习惯法的法院以及习惯法的认可和适用并以成文的法律选择规则的形式来解决的。
Analyzes several issues of the theory of proximate connection from the perspective of international civil tort rules of choice of law. 拟从涉外侵权法律行为的法律选择规范着手,对最密切联系原则的若干理论问题进行探讨。
With respect to the conflicts law issues, the Hague Securities Convention provides for a set of conflicts law rules for the determination of the choice of law in the context of cross-border security trading. 对于中介持有体制下的冲突法问题,《海牙证券公约》为跨境证券交易的法律选择提供了法律适用规则。
The substance rules method provides a new perspective for the application of law in arbitration by abandoning the traditional choice of law methods and avoiding the uncertainties that are inherent in the traditional method. 法国的实体规则方法完全抛弃了传统的法律选择思维,避免了传统法律选择方法导致的不确定性,为确定仲裁协议的法律适用提供了一片全新的视野。